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Biskup/2011a: History-dependent inference control of queries by dynamic policy adaption

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Biskup/2011a
Author Biskup, Joachim
Editor Li, Yingjiu
Title History-dependent inference control of queries by dynamic policy adaption
Booktitle Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXV - 25th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference, DBSec 2011
Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 6818
Pages 106-121
Organization IFIP WG 11.3
Publisher Springer
Abstract Policy-based inference control of queries submitted to a logic-oriented information system
requires us to consider the history of queries and answers to a particular user.
In most previous approaches, the control system captures the history by maintaining a fictitious view
the user is supposed to generate by exploiting rational reasoning. In this paper, we propose
and explore an alternative option to represent the history, namely
by suitably adapting the confidentiality policy after returning an answer to a query.
Basically, such a policy adaption precomputes all relevant steps
of formal proofs that the fictitious view logically implies some policy element.
We focus on propositional information systems.
Year 2011
Projekt SFB876-A5
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