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Bornkamp/etal/2009a: Penalty specialists among goalkeepers: A nonparametric Bayesian analysis of 44 years of German Bundesliga

Bibtype Incollection
Bibkey Bornkamp/etal/2009a
Author B. Bornkamp and A. Fritsch and O. Kuss and K. Ickstadt
Editor B. Schipp and W. Krämer
Title Penalty specialists among goalkeepers: A nonparametric {B}ayesian analysis of 44 years of {G}erman {B}undesliga
Booktitle Statistical Inference, Econometric Analysis and Matrix Algebra: Festschrift in Honour of Götz Trenkler
Pages 63-76
Publisher Physica Verlag
Year 2009
Projekt SFB876-C4
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