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Vandesompele/etal/2008a: Identification of 2 putative critical segments of 17q gain in neuroblastoma through integrative genomics

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Vandesompele/etal/2008a
Author Vandesompele, J. and Michels, E. and De Preter, K. and Menten, B. and Schramm, A. and Eggert, A. and Ambros, P. F. and Combaret, V. and Francotte, N. and Antonacci, F. and De Paepe, A. and Laureys, G. and Speleman, F. and Van Roy, N.
Title Identification of 2 putative critical segments of 17q gain in neuroblastoma through integrative genomics
Journal International Journal of Cancer
Volume 122
Number 5
Pages 1177-82
Year 2008
Projekt SFB876-C1
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