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Selten/etal/2004a: Experimental Investigation of Day-to-Day Route-Choice Behavior and Network Simulations of Autobahn Traffic in North Rhine-Westphalia

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Selten/etal/2004a
Author R. Selten and M. Schreckenberg and T. Chmura and T. Pitz and S. Kube and S.F. Hafstein and R. Chrobok, A. Pottmeier and J. Wahle
Editor R. Selten and M. Schreckenberg
Title Experimental Investigation of Day-to-Day Route-Choice Behavior and Network Simulations of Autobahn Traffic in North Rhine-Westphalia
Booktitle Human Behaviour and Traffic Networks
Pages 1-21
Publisher Springer
Year 2004
Projekt SFB876-B4
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