Mobile phone data provides everything making resource-aware machine learning a challenge: Huge amounts of data, captured in a distributed environment and data from a wide range of sensors. Modern smartphones and open operating systems provide access to rich personal data.
Learn how to locally leverage the power of machine learning on your phone. With the practical example of astroparticle detection using your phone's built-in camera you will combine several methods for stream machine learning.
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Located in the heart of the urban area around the river Ruhr, the TU Dortmund University has a long history in research. 40 years ago, the computer science faculty was founded as one of the first of its kind. Since then, the faculty has grown to more than 2.000 students originating from nearly 50 countries all over the world.
The summer school takes place at the university's Computer Science main building, Otto-Hahn-Str. 14. Have a look at location to find more details.
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Each day earth is hit by endless particles from outside the solar system. Huge detector systems have been built to find extrasolar particles, e.g. the IceCube detector in Antarctica. But have you been aware, that even a standard smartphone camera can detect the particles? Learn the techniques to find particles with your phone during the summer school.
Image: IceCube detector camera DOM.
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The open source streams framework developed at the collaborative research center SFB 876 drives the processing of data streams. Small device, high velocity of data, high volume? You are covered by streams, let it run on smartphones or riding the Storm realtime computation system. Learn how to use the streams framework with fascinating examples like realtime soccer analysis.
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