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Sliwa/etal/2016b: B.A.T.Mobile: Leveraging mobility control knowledge for efficient routing in mobile robotic networks

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Sliwa/etal/2016b
Author Sliwa, Benjamin and Behnke, Daniel and Ide, Christoph and Wietfeld, Christian
Title {B.A.T.Mobile}: Leveraging mobility control knowledge for efficient routing in mobile robotic networks
Booktitle IEEE GLOBECOM 2016 Workshop on Wireless Networking, Control and Positioning of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (Wi-UAV)
Address Washington D.C., USA
Publisher IEEE
Month 12
Year 2016
Projekt SFB876-B4
Url http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/GLOCOMW.2016.7848845
sliwa_etal_2016b.pdf [12723 KB]
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