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Biskup/Preuss/2014a: Inference-Proof Data Publishing by Minimally Weakening a Database Instance

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Biskup/Preuss/2014a
Author Biskup, Joachim and Preuß, Marcel
Editor Prakash, Atul and Shyamasundar, Rudrapatna
Title Inference-Proof Data Publishing by Minimally Weakening a Database Instance
Booktitle Information Systems Security – 10th International Conference (ICISS) 2014
Series LNCS
Volume 8880
Pages 30-49
Address Cham
Publisher Springer International Publishing Switzerland
Abstract Publishing of data is usually only permitted when complying with a confidentiality policy. To this end, this work proposes an approach to weaken an original database instance: within a logic-oriented modeling definite knowledge is replaced by disjunctive knowledge to introduce uncertainty about confidential information. This provably disables an adversary to infer this confidential information, even if he employs his a priori knowledge and his knowledge about the protection mechanism. As evaluated based on a prototype implementation, this approach can be made highly efficient. If a heuristic – resulting only in a slight loss of availability – is employed, it can be even used in interactive scenarios.
Year 2014
Projekt SFB876-A5
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