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Niehoefer/etal/2012a: Optimizing-Strategies for a Time-Efficient Evaluation of Position-Specific Communication Aspects in Disaster Relief Scenarios

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Niehoefer/etal/2012a
Author Niehoefer, Brian and Lehnhausen, Sarah and Wietfeld, Christian
Title Optimizing-Strategies for a Time-Efficient Evaluation of Position-Specific Communication Aspects in Disaster Relief Scenarios
Booktitle Proc. of IEEE 1st AESS European Conference on European Satellite Telecommunications (ESTEL)
Pages 1-6
Address Rome, Italy
Publisher IEEE
Abstract Satellite systems may integrate Standardized Digital Professional Mobile Radio systems into an existing infrastructure over long distances without the need of dedicated transport networks, even in disaster relief situations. Simulation-based decision support can predict possible interferences like shadowing or multipath effects, but especially in time-critical emergency scenarios, a trade-off between minimizing the simulation time and maximizing the accuracy of
the modeled scenario needs to be determined. Both factors have significant influence on the degree of accuracy in the results. Therefore, this paper presents a pre-simulation routine called Optimization Matrix, which reduces the simulation time to a certain value (e.g. journey time of the rescue forces) but keeping the resulting simulation error acceptable for the given case of application. In addition, the Optimization Matrix
was integrated into a framework to enable an evaluation of a selected area-of-interest and visualizes the results in an interactive 3D map view.
Month oct
Year 2012
Projekt SFB876-B4
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