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Huebener/etal/2009a: Xenogeneic immunization with human tyrosine hydroxylase DNA vaccines suppresses growth of established neuroblastoma

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Huebener/etal/2009a
Author Huebener, N. and Fest, S. and Hilt, K. and Schramm, A. and Eggert, A. and Durmus, T. and Woehler, A. and Stermann, A. and Bleeke, M. and Baykan, B. and Weixler, S. and Gaedicke, G. and Lode, H. N.
Title Xenogeneic immunization with human tyrosine hydroxylase DNA vaccines suppresses growth of established neuroblastoma
Journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics
Volume 8
Number 8
Pages 2392-401
Year 2009
Projekt SFB876-C1
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